Lunch with Mom and my sister at Red Lobster. I took my nephew to look at the lobster tank.

Living in Wyoming, I had a freezer stocked full of wild game meat that I enjoyed cooking up everyday.

I started to run several miles a day with my roommate's dog Ranger on red dirt roads through the Wyoming countryside.

A blizzard in Wyoming left snow drifts that came up to my chest.

During bird training in South Dakota for my new job I wandered off and found a pair of mountain blue birds on an old cabin.

Camping every night across the state of Wyoming looking for birds, I encountered a lot of lightning storms in my tent. This night was my first, I thought I was going to die.

A rodeo in Sheridan, WY shut down a business that I needed, making me wait for hours.

I was busy helping with the cattle on a ranch in Manitoba, Canada.

I protected three barn kittens from Tom cats and cattle hooves, but they still all died by wintertime after I left.

Wheat still not harvested late in the season in front of a home long neglected in Canada.

Not the photo I wanted to put here and I might change it. I moved back to Wyoming from Canada to research sage-grouse and lived in this little cabin entertained by the length of my icicles.

Ordering an elk burger in Jackson Hole, WY at the famous Cowboy Bar.

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