I took my time leaving my crappy campsite. First I took a free shower while doing my laundry. The bathhouse had a smell that reminded me of camp when I was a kid, its very weird how smells can take you so quickly back to a moment in childhood. I got my passport renewal at the post office afterward, it was very easy and didn't cost too much.
I couldn't get a hold of a landowner to do bird points on his property, but unfortunately did get a hold of another landowner who chewed me out about loosing his water rights because someone like me took water samples on his land. He didn't want me to count his "sage chickens" or "find some bird that has been extinct 10,000 years" on his property. I asked him at least for access to the state trust land, and he agreed, but then when we were talking more about where his property was he told me that he was in Colorado, not Wyoming. He yelled at me for wasting his time and said "you have bigger problems than sage chickens" and hung up as I was apologizing for my company providing me wrong information. I felt angry, not just at his ignorance but at my job for not having things together. I felt sorry for the person working in Colorado that would have to call the man to access his land.
That was the second time I was embarrassed for having the wrong landowner number for a point. I couldn't shake my anger, as I went to KFC for some supper. I needed a few days off!!!! ARRRRR! I saw Target, glowing on the hilltop in the dark and went inside. I tried on some spring dresses, feeling very pretty, then lingered in the book department until they announced closing time. I didn't want to stay in Casper another night, I drove to Buffalo for some comfort. I camped in Petrified Tree, happy not to be woken up in the middle of the night by someone wondering why I was sleeping in my car.

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