I left at first light, speeding my little blue car down the red dirt road with gravel and dust flying behind me, stopping only at Starbucks on the way out of town. The thought of listening to country music was too painful, so I pulled out my Andrew Sisters CDs and put “Don’t Fence Me In” on repeat. I was headed east to Devil’s Tower, and maybe Deadwood, SD.

After seeing me leave, Cowboy decided to go someplace cool instead of working on his truck all day like he did on Saturday, getting mad at me when I asked him to saddle up Alice for some much needed fun on the beautiful sunny day. He took his roommate and the dogs up in the Big Horn mountains, and I was kind of heart broken that he didn’t take me, because I love being outdoors. We really didn’t talk to each other at all on Sunday, maybe both mad at each other for leaving each other behind. I heard him talking to his uncle on the phone about where he went, and they even saw a moose. He only knew where I went because I finally texted it to him after the day was over.
I dreaded seeing him on Monday afternoon as his blue pickup pulled into the drive, but he was really talkative and somehow we made up with each other. It feels good to not be mad at him anymore, I hope we can avoid pissing each other off so much in the future. I cooked up some elk tostadas (chalupas for you Texans) for dinner, and he kept folding my hand fried corn tortillas like taco shells which made me smile.